The interdisciplinary Royster Society of Fellows is enriched immeasurably by Fellows from more than 60 doctoral degree programs. This year, graduating Fellows represent approximately 30 doctoral programs. They are further distinguished by fellowships named for Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Caroline Royster, and friends of the Royster Society of Fellows. Fellows, we appreciate your many valuable contributions and distinct perspectives represented in this gallery of reflections. Congratulations on your outstanding accomplishments, and best wishes for your continued success!
— A message from Jennifer Gerz-Escandón, Associate Dean for Interdisciplinary Education and Fellowship Programs.
Lovick P. Corn Dissertation Fellowship
Advisor: Amanda Thompson
“Royster gave me an opportunity to connect with scholars outside of my discipline and to practice science communication with scholars who are not necessarily familiar with my subject area.”
William Neal Reynolds Fellowship
Advisor: Joaquin Drut
“The Royster Society of Fellows was my lifeline at UNC. The community of engaged, enthusiastic, and interdisciplinary peers kept me motivated and encouraged through all the bumps in the PhD road.”
Linda Dykstra Dissertation Fellowship
Advisor: Jonathan Abramowitz
“The Royster Society of Fellows has afforded me valuable experience interacting with a large and friendly interprofessional network. The professional workshops and trainings were also instrumental to my research presentation skills development. Thank you for them!”
Caroline H. and Thomas S. Royster Fellowship
Advisor: Abbie Smith-Ryan
“The Royster Society has been a tremendous support to my graduate studies. The resources, encouragement and financial support allowed me to focus on my academics and research to successfully complete my degree.”
Caroline H. and Thomas S. Royster Fellowship
Advisor: Jeremy G. Moulton
“Apart from (of course) the opportunities afforded through financial support, Royster has been invaluable in providing professional development opportunities. The Royster Society brought me to UNC, and I have made lasting friends through it. Thank you!”
Caroline H. and Thomas S. Royster Fellowship
Advisor: Della Pollock
“The travel funding provided by the Royster Society was critically important for my dissertation project, allowing me to visit memory sites in Eastern Europe.”
Caroline H. and Thomas S. Royster Fellowship
Advisor: Carmen Hsu
“Teaching a First Year Seminar through the Royster Society was fundamental to my successful candidature for my current academic position at UWEC, and the Society's generous financial support made it possible for me to attend UNC.”
Caroline H. and Thomas S. Royster Fellowship
Advisor: Catherine Sullivan
“Royster was a great community to me in my 5 years at UNC. I made wonderful friends from across disciplines and had great professional development support. Of course the funding was paramount, especially the write up year that ensured I had protected time for my dissertation.”
Caroline H. and Thomas S. Royster Fellowship
Advisor: C. Margaret Scarry and Patricia A. McAnany
“The Royster Society allowed me to think about topics beyond my disciplinary boundaries on a regular basis. One of my most cherished grad school experiences was team teaching an interdisciplinary course with fellow Roysters.”
Paul Hardin Dissertation Fellowship
Advisor: Joan Taylor
“For awhile I was stuck in the bubble of only interacting with Science PhDs. Through RSOF I met so many wonderful non-science PhD students who popped my bubble and got me thinking about other interesting worldly things. It was a breath of fresh air.”
Chancellor's Fellowship
Advisor: Stephen Walsh
Wiliam Neal Reynolds Fellowship
Advisor: Ryan Shaw
“The Royster Society's community has been a steady source of support for me during my doctoral study. It's been great to have an intellectual home away from home and a forum to meet other doctoral students across campus.”
Carol and Edward Smithwick Dissertation Fellowship
Advisor: Abbie Smith-Ryan
“Receiving a Royster Dissertation Completion fellowship provided me with the opportunity and resources to dedicate my attention full-time to completion of my dissertation. This support was invaluable, not only in the completion of my dissertation, but in helping reduce the stress of juggling other responsibilities that come in the final year, like the job search.”
Paul Hardin Dissertation Fellowship
Advisor: Jill Stewart
“The funding was crucial in allowing me to focus on completing my dissertation in a timely manner, which allowed me to secure a post-doc position prior to graduation with a strict start date. I also made connections with fellows in other departments that have already resulted in research collaborations.”
Ross and Charlotte Johnson Family Dissertation Fellowship
Advisor: Donald J. Raleigh
“The Royster Society of Fellows had a huge impact on my graduate education at UNC. The generous funding allowed me to write my dissertation without teaching obligations, and I was also able to publish two chapters in edited volumes. The Royster events and research seminars were wonderful and edifying to attend, and I was happy to have a chance to present my research to an interdisciplinary audience. Overall I am incredibly grateful to have been selected as a Royster Fellow!”
Chancellor's Fellowship
Advisor: Adrienne D. Cox and Channing J. Der
“Being a Royster fellow was one of the best experiences of my educational experience at the Carolinas. The support from the fellowship ensured that I could focus on my progress. In addition, the networking and professional building opportunities provided were unmatched and made the grad school experience so much better. Thank you for everything you have done for us.”
Wiliam Neal Reynolds Fellowship
Advisor: Michael Emch
“My time at UNC was more fun and interesting because of the people I met through the Royster Society and the programming, seminars, and discussions that I was able to participate in as a Royster Fellow. I am really grateful to have been part of a scholarly community that explicitly centers interdisciplinary and values so many different topics, approaches, and orientations of research.”
Caroline H. and Thomas S. Royster Fellowship
Advisor: Linda Adair
“Royster allowed me to focus on my own research, greatly accelerating my graduation timeframe a giving me the option to publish first author papers. ”
Mrs. Victor Humphreys Fellowship
Advisor: David Pfennig
“The Royster society made me a much better academic and scholar by exposing me to such a wide diversity of people and disciplines. The constant support and encouragement empowered me to constantly seek opportunities for improvement and to achieve the best in my research and other pursuits.”
Caroline H. and Thomas S. Royster Fellowship
Advisor: Wei-Cheng Lin
“The fund that the Royster provided me made my PhD study in the states possible.”
Chancellor's Fellowship
Advisor: Erik Alexanian
“The Royster fellowship allowed me to focus on my studies and get a jump start on my research as a first year grad student. I've enjoyed a level of productivity and freedom that I otherwise would not have experienced. ”
William R. Kenan Jr. Fellowship
Advisor: Larry Benninger
“In addition to funding, the RSOF provides its Fellows with colleagues with whom you can celebrate the highs and bemoan the lows of graduate school. The interdisciplinary nature of the program also helps provide crucial perspective throughout a process that is otherwise isolating.”
Caroline H. and Thomas S. Royster Fellowship
Advisor: Christopher A. Lee
“Being a part of the Royster Society has truly made my time as a doctoral student at UNC special. Complementing my work with fellow students and faculty in my department, the Royster Society has provided a rich and interdisciplinary intellectual community to be a part of.”
Lovick P. Corn Dissertation Fellowship
Advisor: S. Philip Morgan and Yong Cai
“The RSOF has offered me a tremendous amount of support during the process of dissertation writing and job searching. Thanks to the RSOF, I also built a network of peers in other academic fields and got inspired to pursue interdisciplinary research projects.”
Caroline H. and Thomas S. Royster Fellowship
Advisor: Kyle Burger
“Jennifer is grateful for the social support provided by the Royster Society fellows. ”
Ross and Charlotte Johnson Family Dissertation Fellowship
Advisor: Jane Thrailkill
“The Royster Dissertation Completion Fellowship gave me intellectual space and community at a crucial time, allowing me to finish and defend my dissertation.”
Caroline H. and Thomas S. Royster Fellowship
Advisor: Vicki Mercer
“Faculty, staff, and students I met through the Royster society were instrumental to my success as a graduate student. Thank you so much!”
Henry Dearman & Martha Stucker Fellowship
Advisor: Ram Neta
“The Royster Society has given me increased opportunities for research and professional development in the final year of my doctoral studies.”
Sequoyah Dissertation Fellowship
Advisor: David Garcia
“The funding I received from the Royster Society gave me a much-needed sabbatical from teaching and enabled me to complete my dissertation. I have also benefited over the last year from the interdisciplinary conversations and the professional development opportunities made available to fellows.”
Mrs. Victor Humphreys Fellowship
Advisor: Glenn Hinson
“The Royster Society of Fellows provided generous funding, excellent professional development opportunities, and a wonderful community of scholars that sustained me throughout my years at Carolina. I would not have been able to complete my graduate education without it.”
Chancellor's Fellowship
Advisor: Gregory Cizek
“The interdisciplinary perspectives from the fellows has helped me better consider research from different points of view.”
William R. Kenan Jr. Fellowship
Advisor: Elizabeth R. Crais
“Royster served as a wonderful support both academically and personally.”