Summer Research Fellowships

Summer Research Fellowships provide summer support to doctoral students so they may focus exclusively on their dissertation research. Each named fellowship is made possible through a generous gift to The Graduate School and is intended to enable students to complete their degree more quickly by supporting students who normally do not have funding during the summer.


You are eligible if:

If you are awarded this fellowship, you may be asked to present the products of your summer work to The Graduate School, and your faculty mentor must be willing to provide a written evaluation of your work to The Graduate School at the conclusion of your fellowship.

Students who have previously received a Summer Research Fellowship are not eligible to apply again.

In order for you to be able to devote yourself exclusively to your summer research, you may not enroll in any courses during the summer.

Award Amount

The award is a one-time $7,000 stipend at the beginning of the summer.

Stipend $7,000
Tuition None
Fees None
Health insurance None
Length of support Three summer months
TA/RA position No

Depending on funding, this award may change from year to year.

Selection Criteria

Your application will be reviewed according to the following criteria:

View an in-depth description of the review and selection process.


Each department may nominate up to TWO students per year for the Summer Research Fellowship.


Deadlines are posted on the funding deadlines calendar.

How to Apply

View Frequently Asked Questions about the online application.

  1. Please check with your department for their internal deadline. You must complete your application early enough for your department to nominate you to The Graduate School by the deadline.
  2. Prepare your application materials: research narrative and curriculum vitae
  3. Arrange for a letter of recommendation. Be sure to follow the application guidelines
  4. Before submitting your application, we suggest you get feedback on your narrative from a person outside of your field.
  5. Submit your materials on the Graduate School Award Online Application.
  6. Once you submit your application, your recommender will receive an email asking him/her to submit a letter via the online system.
  7. At the same time, the fellowship and award approver for your department will receive an email notifying them that you submitted your application.
  8. Once your letter of recommendation has been submitted, your department may nominate you for the fellowship. If your department selects your application, they must nominate it to The Graduate School by the deadline.
  9. We will notify awardees in mid-April.

Application Guidelines

We will not consider your application if you exceed any of the page limits or if you do not follow the proper format.

A complete application includes:

Research Narrative

Address your research description to an audience of intelligent reviewers who may not be familiar with your field. Clearly explain the importance of your research to a lay audience. Do not use jargon or technical, field-specific terminology.

Format: No more than 3 pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins, numbered pages, and your name on each page

Curriculum Vitae:

Format: No more than 2 pages, 12-point font, 1-inch margins, numbered pages, and your name on each page.

Letter of Recommendation:

You must have a letter of recommendation from the faculty mentor who will provide you guidance in your research.

Indicate your recommender’s email address in your application.

Once you submit your application, your recommender will receive an email asking them to submit a letter of recommendation.

Instructions for recommenders:

The letter of recommendation should be no more than 4,000 characters (spaces included), which is approximately 600 words or one single-spaced page.

Address the letter of recommendation “To the Fellowship Committee.”

  • How the faculty mentor will provide guidance to the student in preparing his/her plan for summer research
  • What products the student will produce by the end of the summer
  • How the student’s work will be evaluated
  • A description of other funding received or pending (if applicable)
  • The faculty mentor’s willingness to provide a written evaluation of the student’s summer research to The Graduate School no later than September 15, 2024.

We can only accept letters of recommendation through the online system. Recommenders cannot submit letters directly to The Graduate School or to the student’s department.

Contact Us

Graduate School Fellowships Office