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The North Carolina Botanical Garden

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Interesting in learning about the natural environment of North Carolina or in simply enjoying its beauty? There are a number of great destinations in and around Chapel Hill that offer the opportunity to do both.

Flowers in bloom at the Botanical Garden Historic Cabin at the Botanical Garden

The Coker Arboretum is located on the Campus of UNC, at the intersection of Raleigh Street and Cameron Avenue. Named for William Chambers Coker, UNC's first professor of biology, the Arboretum houses an amazing collection of both native species and many species acquired from Japan and China. First laid out in 1903, this garden was home to the first scientific collection of plants south of the Potomac River. It includes several record or near-record size trees, including a Walter's Pine (Pinus glabra), and a pair of Overcup Oaks (Quercus lyrata). The pride of the Arboretum is its 300+ foot long arbor containing a vast array of native flowering vines. It is a great place to get away from the noise of the campus and the town and listen to the gentle trickling of water and the whisper of leaves.

The North Carolina Botanical Garden, located on Highway 15-501, is about a mile south of campus. Begun in 1927, the goal of the Botanical Garden was to gather together every species of plant native to North Carolina in a single place. Some of the many exhibits include a carnivorous plant collection, an herb garden, and a collection of plants organized by ecosystem. While here, walk some of the many trails on the 600 acres surrounding the Garden itself, including a self-guiding nature trail. The Botanical Garden Foundation and staff are not just active in preserving species on the premises. They are leaders in conservation projects throughout the state. For more information on the North Carolina Botanical Garden and Coker Arboretum, visit http://www.ncbg.unc.edu.

The Graduate School at UNC-Chapel Hill

All Text and Photos © 2004.