Giving Options

Alumni and friends provide generous support that enables The Graduate School to direct funds to critical graduate student needs.

Graduate students contribute to every facet of Carolina's mission — in the classroom, in the laboratory and through public service. Your support makes it possible for The Graduate School to provide resources so these talented students can excel in all they do.

Here are a few areas where your gift will make a difference:

Graduate School Dean's Fund (232303): This unrestricted support allows The Graduate School to provide support to areas directly connected to graduate student degree completion, career success and impact at UNC-Chapel Hill.
Give to the Graduate School Dean's Fund»

Graduate School Fellowship Fund (232332): This fund provides fellowships that are essential to attracting the "best and brightest" graduate students from across the globe and helping them to achieve at a high level. Dissertation fellowships enable doctoral students to focus exclusively on completing their research and writing their dissertation.
Give to the Graduate School Fellowship Fund»

Summer Research Fellowships (232344): These fellowships ensure timely degree completion in disciplines where summer funding is not available.
Give to the Summer Research Fellowships Fund»

Graduate School Fund for Experiential Learning (233520) - This fund provides stipends for graduate students, ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder their ability to pursue experiential learning opportunities in non-academic settings.
Give to the Graduate School Experiential Learning Fund»

Graduate Professional Development (233507): Help provide training, programming and a certificate focused on preparing graduate students for 21st-century careers.
Give to the Graduate Professional Development Fund»

Graduate Student Success (233505): Support specific programs — and supportive communities — for first-generation, international, underrepresented minority, military-affiliated and LGBTQIA+ graduate students.
Give to the Graduate Student Success Fund»

Royster Graduate Fellowship Fund (232371): Established in 1996 by the visionary Dr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Royster, The Royster Society of Fellows is the premier doctoral recruitment fellowship program at the UNC. As a member of the Royster Society of Fellows, graduate students become part of an exclusive community that extends beyond their time at the University.
Give to the Royster Graduate Fellowship Fund»

Travel (232380): This fund enables students to present their research at national and international conferences.
Give to the Graduate Student Travel Fund»

Impact Awards (232317): This fund recognizes graduate students for research contributions directly benefiting North Carolina.
Give to the Impact Awards Fund»

Many other funds with specific purposes are available for different graduate student needs.

For more information on supporting graduate education contact:

Kate Moser
Associate Dean for Development
(919) 323-2223 (cell)