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Birds of a Feather...

Andy and the Ghost

Thomas Wolfe

Gimghoul Castle

Birds of a Feather   >

What's a Tar Heel?


UNC's First Computer

Manning Drive

Horace Williams House

HW House Residents

Area Street Names

Mount Mitchell


Swim Test

Need a Ride?


If it ain't Broke...

Joy in the Morning

Hinton James

A Noble Tradition?

Painting the Town Blue

Di and Phi Societies

The popular comic strip, Shoe, was created by UNC alumni Jeff MacNelly and based on former UNC journalism professor James H. Shumaker. Both MacNelly and Shumaker unfortunately died of cancer in 2000. The comic strip, however, continues, drawn by other artists [8].

Shoe Comic Strip

The Graduate School at UNC-Chapel Hill

All Text and Photos © 2004.