13th Annual Graduate Student Recognition Celebration
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
3:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.
Alumni Hall in the George Watts Hill Alumni Center
Research displays began at 3:00 p.m.
Awards ceremony started at 4:00 p.m.
A reception followed
Graduate student recognition includes winners of:
- IMPACT Awards
- Boka W. Hadzija Award for Distinguished Service
- Dean's Award for Significant Contribution
- Linda Dykstra Distinguished Dissertation Award
- University Research Day Awards
- Honor Society Inductions
- External Fellowship Winners
Congratulations to UNC-Chapel Hill Graduate and Professional Students for Outstanding Achievements in Research, Academics, Community Service and Leadership During the 2010-2011 Academic Year
2011 GEAB Impact Award Winners for Research Benefitting the State of North Carolina
- Heather Beil, Health Policy and Management, Effects of Early Preventive Dental Care on Treatment Use, Expenditures and Dental Disease
- George Chao, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Improving Breast Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis
- Zulfiya Chariyeva, Health Behavior and Health Education, Safer Sex Counseling and Risky Sexual Behavior Among People Living with HIV in North Carolina
- Gregory Dusek, Marine Sciences, Using Nearshore Observations to Improve Our Ability to Forecast Rip Currents
- Emily Elliott, Marine Sciences, Skinny Beaches: Understanding Barrier Development and Erosion in North Carolina
- Ruchika Goel, Epidemiology, Studying Moms' Medical Radiation Exposure and Possible Links to Disease
- Virginia Guidry, Epidemiology, Student Respiratory Health in Schools Near Industrial Hog Operations
- Katherine Horvath, Toxicology, Cigarette Smoke and Influenza
- Adam Kole, Cell and Developmental Biology, Preventing Alzheimer's Disease: A Novel Approach
- Jin Hyup Lee, Biochemistry and Biophysics, Treating Cancer by Tinkering with the Clock
- Carrie Pettus-Davis, Social Work, A Unique Social Support Program for Recently Released N.C. Prisoners with Substance Addictions
- Abby Pulsipher, Chemistry, Tissue Engineering and Synthetic Organ Transplant
- Johna Register-Mihalik, Human Movement Science, Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Awareness in Sports
- Pamela Reynolds, Biology, Strategies to Enhance North Carolina Oyster Reef Restoration
- Alison Sanders, Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Raising Awareness of Contaminated Well Water in North Carolina
- Monika Schneider, Microbiology and Immunology, Understanding Septic Shock
- Ivana Semova, Cell and Molecular Physiology, Combating Obesity: Eavesdropping on the Conversation Between the Human Body and Intestinal Bacteria
- Autumn Shafer, Mass Communication, Preventing Cervical Cancer: A Health Communication Campaign
- Curtis H. Stumpf, Marine Sciences, Rapid and Accurate Determination of Fecal Pathogens in N.C. Coastal Waters
- Anne Trainor, Geography, The Red-Cockaded Woodpecker and Increasing Biodiversity in North Carolina
- Rachael Turner, Biomedical Engineering, Grafting Alternatives for Liver Tissue Regeneration
- Sarah Williams, Neurobiology, Cocaine Use During Pregnancy: A Public Health Problem
- Eric Zimmerman, Pharmacology, Understanding the Mechanisms of Drug Resistance in Leukemia
Boka W. Hadzija Award for Distinguished University Service by a Graduate or Professional Student
- Matthew John Olmsted, Orthodontics
Dean's Award for Significant Contributions to Graduate Education
- Bruce W. Carney, Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
Linda Dykstra Distinguished Dissertation Awards
- Paul Giresi, Biology, 2011 Linda Dykstra Distinguished Dissertation Award – Biological & Life Sciences
- Christopher Polt, Classics, 2011 Linda Dykstra Distinguished Dissertation Award – Humanities & Fine Arts
- Tatevik Sekhposyan, Economics, 2011 Linda Dykstra Distinguished Dissertation Award – Social Sciences
- Nathan Westcott, Chemistry, 2011 Linda Dykstra Distinguished Dissertation Award – Mathematics, Physical Sciences & Engineering
Honorary Society Inductees
Frank Porter Graham Honor Society
- Stephanie Baker, Public Health
- Laura Blue, Chemistry
- Timothy Chang, Dentistry
- Catie Cunningham, Dentistry
- Stephen Hoyle, Dentistry
- Michelle Itano, Cell and Developmental Biology
- Kyle Kaplan, Law and Business Administration
- Sarah Lee, Dentistry
- Ayesha Lovick, Medicine
- Jennifer M. Nomides, Medicine
- Jessica Oliver, Dentistry
- Elise Watson, Dentistry
- Leslie Yuan, Dentistry
The Order of the Golden Fleece
- Bill Keyes, Communication Studies
- James "Tristan" Routh, Law
- Julian Wooten, Pharmacy
The Order of the Grail-Valkyries
- Marianne Miller, Dramatic Art
- Ayesha Lovick, Medicine
- Sally Wood, Public Health
University Research Day 2011 Winners
Best Biological and Health Sciences Poster Presentation
- Shannon Jones, Microbiology and Immunology
- Andrew Monteith, Biochemistry and Biophysics
- Rachel Gittman, Environment and Ecology
Best Biological and Health Sciences Oral Presentation
- Seun Omofoye, Medicine
- Christina Lee, Medicine
- Julian Wooten, Pharmaceutical Sciences
Best Social Sciences Poster Presentation
- Lisa Lindley, Nursing
- Carmina Valle, Nutrition
- Paul Gilbert, Health Behavior and Health Education
Best Social Sciences Oral Presentation
- Micaela Mercado, Social Work
- Julie Hochsztein, Public Administration
- Melvin McDermott III, Public Administration
Best Physical Sciences Poster/Oral Presentation
- Alex Mills, Statistics and Operational Research
- Elizabeth O'Bryan, Chemistry
- Kaitlin Fague, Chemistry
Best Humanities Poster/Oral Presentation
- Ted Gellar-Goad, Classics
- Shanna Parks, Dramatic Art
- Elena Clark, Slavic Languages and Literatures
Prestigious External Fellowship Winners
- Laurel Bradley, Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship
- Georgina Drew, Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship; P.E.O. Scholar Award
- Cassandra Hartblay, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- David Lowry, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- Caela O'Connell, Inter-American Foundation Grassroots Development Fellowship; Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship
- Erin Stevens, NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant
- Alice Wilson, Inter-American Foundation Grassroots Development Fellowship
- Joseph Wiltberger, Inter-American Foundation Grassroots Development Fellowship
- Krysta Black, American Historical Association Bernadotte Schmitt Grant
- Emily Olson, Jacob K. Javits Fellowship
Biochemistry and Biophysics
- Daud Cole, NRSA Fellowships for Minority Students (F31) NIH- National Institute of General Medical Sciences
- Bryan Der, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- Anthony Law, NRSA Fellowships for Minority Students (F31) NIH-National Institute of General Medical Sciences
- Oana Lungu, American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship
- Srinivas Ramachandran, American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship
- Peter Thompson, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
- Elizabeth Proctor, NRSA Fellowship (F31) NIH-National Institute of Aging
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
- Shannon Jones, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- Robert Aldredge, American Museum of Natural History Frank Chapman Grant; University of Michigan Biological Station Joel Heinen Fellowship; Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Short-Term Graduate Research Fellowship
- Eric Earley, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- Tracy Hargiss, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- David Kikuchi, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- Sarah Seiter, NES Cent Graduate Fellowship
Biomedical Engineering
- Ryan Gessner, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- Michael Lemus, NASA –Harriett G. Jenkins Predoctoral Fellowship
- Amy West, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- Naomi Brownstein, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- Polina Kukhareva, Fulbright Fellowship for Non-U.S. Students
Business Administration
- Dan Amiram, International Tax Policy Forum
- Susan Cohen, National Institute of Standards and Technology Scholarship
Cell and Developmental Biology
- Adam Kole, NRSA Fellowship (F30) NIH –National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
- Leah Watson, NRSA Fellowship (F31) NIH –National Institute of Mental Health
Cell and Molecular Physiology
- Mahita Kadmiel, American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship
- Patricia Lenhart, NRSA Fellowship (F30) –For MD/PhD Students –National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
- Katy Liu, NRSA Fellowship (F30) –For MD/PhD Students –National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
- Margaret McCormick, American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship
- Joshua Beaver, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- Vanessa DeRocco, NRSA Fellowship (F31) NIH –National Institute of General Medical Sciences
- Joseph Falkowski, Department of Energy (DOE) of Science Graduate Fellowship
- Michael Geier, NSERC Post-graduate Scholarship
- James Grinias, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- Rui Jin, CSC Scholarship
- Rebekah Nash, NRSA Fellowship(F30) –For MD/PhD Students –National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences; Burroughs Welcome Fund 2010 Travel Grant
- Abigail Pulsipher, National Science Foundation Award to attend the 2010 Interdisciplinary Meeting of Nobel Laureates in Lindau, Germany
- Pavel Takmakov, Eastman Chemical Company Fellowship
- Christopher Turlington, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- Jillian Tyrrell, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- Alexis Wells-Carpenter, Eastman Chemical Company Fellowship
City and Regional Planning
- June-ho Chung, Rotary World Peace Fellowship
- Marc Howlett, Graduate Student Participation Grant, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies
- Carla Jensen, Organization of American States Graduate Scholarship
- Micah Kordsmeier, Mortar Board National Fellowship; Phi Kappa Phi Graduate Fellowship
- Lindsay Maurer, Helene M. Overly Memorial Scholarship, NC Triangle Chapter - Women's Transportation Seminar
- Anabella Palacios, Rotary World Peace Fellowship
- Christina Soto, North Carolina American Planning Association Diversity Award
- Elizabeth Robinson, Irene Rosenzweig/Samuel H. Kress Foundation Predoctoral Rome Prize
- Elizabeth Thill, Humane Studies Fellowship; Richard M. Weaver Fellowship from the Intercollegiate Studies Institute
Communication Studies
- Ali Reza Eshraghi, Rotary World Peace Fellowship
- Carolyn Hardin, Jacob K. Javits Fellowship
- Kashif Powell, Jacob K. Javits Fellowship Grover Wehman, Ethel Louise Armstrong Foundation Scholarship for Female Graduate Students with Disabilities
Computer Science
- Elizabeth Cavazos, NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship
- Luv Kohli, Link Foundation Fellowships in Advanced Simulation and Training
- David Millman, Department of Energy Rickover Fellowship
- Malcolm Mollison, North Carolina Space Grant Graduate Research Fellowship
- Christian Orellana Cuevas, Becas Chile Scholarship
- Teryl Taylor, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada Scholarship
- Xiang Zhang, Microsoft Research Fellowship
- Melanie Alazza, Jordan University of Science and Technology Scholarship
- Shannitta Bridgers, 3M ESPE Preventative Pediatric Dentistry Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
- Angela Broome, Albert G.Richards Award, American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
- Christopher Cannales, Southern Association of Orthodontists Graduate Student Research Grant
- William Cherry, 3M ESPE Preventative Pediatric Dentistry Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
- Joao Ferreira, Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology –Government of the Portuguese Republic
- Kristen Fritz, American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine Student Research Award; American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine Research Excellence Award
- Kervin Mack, Southern Association of Orthodontists Graduate Student Research Grant
- Lindsey McCarthy, Southern Association of Orthodontists Graduate Student Research Grant
- Matthew Olmsted, Southern Association of Orthodontists Graduate Student Research Grant
- Thatsanee Saladyanant, Royal Thai Government Scholarship
- Dennis Weber, Southern Association of Orthodontists Graduate Student Research Grant
- Sodsi Wirojchanasak, Thai Government: Commission on Higher Education Scholarship
Dramatic Art
- Claire Fleming, Marian A. Smith Scholarship Award For Graduate Study in Costume Design and/or Technology –Southeastern Theatre Conference, Inc.
- Aleksandr Andreev, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- Keren Dalyot, Rotary World Peace Fellowship
English and Comparative Literature
- Jena Al-Fuhaid, Kuwait University Office Scholarship
- Melissa Birkhofer, Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association Student Travel Grant
- James Bolling, Jacob K. Javits Fellowship
- Heather Branstetter, Frank A. Morbeck Community Foundation Scholarship
- Joy Cranshaw, Women's Study Travel Award from the Knapp Fund at Duke
- Vera Foley, Bardwell Memorial Fellowship from Mount Holyoke College Alumnae Association
- Kevin Kritsch, Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fellowship
- Anna Panszczyk, Henry Darger Study Center Fellowship from the American Folk Art Museum
- Jittima Pruttipurk, Royal Thai Government Fellowship
- Adair Rispoli, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Pre-Dissertation Award
- Elissa Zellinger, Stanley Paterson Research Fellowship, Friends of the Longfellow House
Environment and Ecology
- Rachel Gittman, North Carolina Coastal Conservation Association Scholarship; North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries Commercial Recreational Fishing License Fund Grant
- Megan Rua, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
Environmental Sciences and Engineering
- Maiko Arashiro, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- Andrew Armstrong, American Water Works Association Malcolm Pirnie Scholarship
- Meridith Fry, EPA-STAR (Science to Achieve Results) Fellowship
- Anne Galyean, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- Jill Johnston, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- Jordan Kern, Hydro Research Foundation Fellowship
- Lanakila McMahan, EPA-STAR (Science to Achieve Results) Fellowship
- Rory Polera, NSF East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes for U.S. Graduate Students; American Water Works Association MWH Scholarship
- Christopher Sandt, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) –Dames and Moore Fellowship
- Hong Sik Yoo, Astra Zeneca Cofounded Bioscience PhD Studentships
- Kim Gaetz, North Carolina Public Health Association Undergraduate/Graduate Education Scholarship
- Lauren McCullough, Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program Predoctoral Traineeship Award
- Sharon Myers, NIH/National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Intramural Research Training Award
- Elizabeth Rogawski, Charles Elias Shepard Scholarship for Graduate Study
- Naman Shah, Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans
- Catherine Vladutiu, SOPHE /CDC Student Fellowship in Injury Prevention and Control
Exercise and Sport Science
- Karen Ocwieja, National Athletic Trainers' Association Research and Education Foundation Graduate Scholarship; National Athletic Trainers' Association Research & Education Foundation Master's Research Grant
- Brandi Schwane, National Athletic Trainers' Association Research & Education Foundation Master's Research Grant
Genetics and Molecular Biology
- Alexandra Arreola, NRSA Fellowship (F31) NIH –National Cancer Institute
- Hann-Hsiang Chao, NRSA Fellowship (F30) NIH –National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
- Lindsay Faircloth, American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship
- Lonna Mollison, National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science (GEM) Fellowship
- Daniel Sweet, American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship
- Timothy Baird, Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship
- Margaret Carrel, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- Priscilla Ferreira Vaz, Rotary World Peace Fellowship
- Annelies Goger, NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant; SSRC International Dissertation Research Fellowship; Fulbright U.S. Student Program
- Josh Gray, NASA Earth & Space Science Fellowship
- Benjamin Heumann, NSF Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant; American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
- Amy McCleary, P.E.O. Scholar Award
- Sara Safransky, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
Geological Sciences
- Kayla Ireland, Geological Society of America Research Grant
- Keehoon Kim, IRIS Workshop Scholarship
- Ryan Mills, Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid of Research Grant; Geological Society of America Research Grant
- Laura Neser, Tobacco Root Geological Society Scholarship; Geological Society of America Research Grant
Germanic Languages and Literatures
- Rebeccah Marie Dawson, DAAD Research Grant
Health Behavior and Health Education
- Ashley Brooks, SOPHE / CDC Student Fellowship in Injury and Violence Prevention
- Ling-Yin Chang, Fulbright Fellowship for Non-U.S. Students
- Allison Groves, Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship
- Susan Wallace Haws, NRSA Fellowship (F31) NIH –National Institute on Drug Abuse
- Esther Mtuli Majani, Aga Khan Foundation International Scholarship Programme; P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship
- Ryan Rowe, Rotary World Peace Fellowship
Health Policy and Management
- Sarah Abigail Birken, Health Services Research Dissertation Award (R36) –Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
- Rachael Wong, Astellas Transplant Scholars Award; Wong Kong Har Tong Society Educational Award
- Emily B. Baran, Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship
- Sarah Ayako Barksdale, U.S. Army Center for Military History Dissertation Fellowship
- Randy Browne, Jacob K. Javits Fellowship
- Jennifer M. Donnally, Schlesinger Library Dissertation Grant –Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study; Smith Travel to Collections Fund, Smith College; Robert J.Dole Research Grant –Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics; Gerald Ford Presidential Library Research Grant
- Anna Louise Krome-Lukens, Jacob K. Javits Fellowship; SSRC Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship
- Rachel Louise Martin, Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship
- Dasa Pejchar Mortensen, Jacob K. Javits Fellowship
- Michael Mulvey, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation/American Council of Learned Societies Early Career Fellowship; Jeanne Marandon Scholarship, Society of Teachers of French and Francophone American
- Richards Plavnieks, Charles H. Revson Foundation Fellowship from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
- Laura Jeanne Premack, Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship; Gerda Henkel Foundation Ph.D. Scholarship
- Benjamin Reed, Newberry Library Consortium for American Indigenous Studies Fellowship; Bernardo Mendel Fellowship, Lilly Library, Indiana University –Bloomington; Richard E. Greenleaf Visiting Scholar Fellowship at the Center for Southwest Research
- Katy Simpson Smith, Mary Woolley Fellowship, Mount Holyoke College Alumnae Association; Archie K. Davis Fellowship, North Caroliniana Society; Frances Lewis Fellowship, Virginia Historical Society
- Eric Steinhart, Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Dissertation Fellowship
- Patrick Tobin, Fulbright U.S. Student Program; DAAD Research Grant
- Graeme Ward, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Doctoral Fellowship
- David Williard, Jacob K. Javits Fellowship
Information and Library Science
- Sofia Becerra-Licha, American Library Association Spectrum Scholarship; LITA/OCLC Minority Scholarship in Library and Information Technology
- Laura Christopherson, ASIS&T New Leaders Award
- Michele Hadburg, Special Libraries Association (SLA) Scholarship
- Carolyn Hank, Beta Phi Mu Eugene Garfield Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship
- Susan Metallo, Virginia Library Association Professional Development Endowment Scholarship
- Megan Myers, Federal Librarians Cicely Phippen Marks Scholarship
- Felix Portnoy, Google Research Award
Journalism and Mass Communication
- Carolyn Martindale Edy, Schlesinger Library Dissertation Grant –Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study
- Behzod Marmadiev, Edmund S. Muskie Graduate Fellowship
- Luisa Ryan, Rotary World Peace Fellowship
- Pitchpatu Waiyachote, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce
- Brendan Robert Watson, Duke University –Duke Online Discourse Project: Civic Discourse and the Public Sphere in the Age of the Internet
Marine Sciences
- Emily Anne Elliott, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
Maternal and Child Health
- Fernanda Queiros, Capes-Fulbright Program for Non-U.S.Students
- Claudia Falcon, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
Microbiology and Immunology
- Meagan Bolles, American Society for Virology Student Travel Award
- Tracy Carlson, ASM Student Travel Grant
- Lauren Michelle Neighbours, National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship; American Society for Virology Student Travel Award; 2010 Gordon Research Conference Student Travel Award
- Erin Cathleen Steinbach, NRSAFellowship (F30) –For MD/PhD Students –National Institute for Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
- Allison Totura, American Society for Virology Student Travel Award
- Laurie McManus, Karl Geiringer Award from the American Brahms Society
- Karolin Schmitt, ERP Scholarship (German Ministry of Economy and Technology & German National Academic Foundation)
- Luke Campagnola, NRSA Fellowship (F31) NIH –National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
- Jaeda Claidge Coutinho-Budd, NRSA Fellowship (F31) NIH –National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
- Elizabeth Cox, NRSA Fellowship (F31) NIH –National Institute on Drug Abuse
- Meghan Lynn Morgan-Smith, NRSA Fellowship (F31) NIH –National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
- Michael Salling, NRSA Fellowship (F30) NIH –National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
- Leslie Davis, American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Foundation Scholarship
- Chang-Chino Hung, Taiwan Nurses Association Dissertation award
- Ashley Leak, John A. Hartford Foundation Building Academic Geriatric Nursing Capacity Predoctoral Scholarship
- Lisa Catherine Lindley, Health Services Research Dissertation Award (R36) –Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
- Jeongok Logan, NRSA Fellowship (F31) NIH –National Institute of Nursing Research
- Britt Frisk Pados, NRSA Fellowship (F31) NIH –National Institute of Nursing Research
- Jeongok Park, John A. Hartford Foundation Building Academic Geriatric Nursing Capacity Predoctoral Scholarship
- Angela Denise Spruill, American Cancer Society Master's Degree Scholarships in Cancer Nursing
- Carolina Batis Ruvalcaba, CONACYT (Mexican National Council for Science and Technology) Scholarship
- David Cavallo, American Dietetic Association Foundation –Geraldine M. Piper Memorial Scholarship
- Amy Conklin, American Dietetic Association Foundation –Frances E. Fischer Scholarship
- Yanire Estra del Campo, Mathile Institute Predoctoral Fellowship
- Elizabeth Hoffman, American Society for Nutrition –The Gerber Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship
- Cheryl Ghesquiere Molinatto, American Dietetic Association Foundation –Geraldine M. Piper Memorial Scholarship
- Dori Steinberg, American Dietetic Association Foundation –Geraldine M. Piper Memorial Scholarship; Society of Behavioral Medicine Excellence in Research Student Award
- Heather Wasser, American Dietetic Association Foundation –Geraldine M. Piper Memorial Scholarship
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
- Michael L. Durando, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Predoctoral Fellowship
- Lance A. Johnson, American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship
- Kellie R. Machlus, American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship
- Lantz C. Mackey, National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science (GEM) Fellowship
Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Mary J. Carroll, American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education (AFPE) Predoctoral Fellowship
- Daniel Crona, Rho Chi-AFPE First Year Graduate School Scholarship
- Bo He, NIH Predoctoral Fellowship
- Daniel L. Hertz, American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education (AFPE) Predoctoral Fellowship
- Julie Lauffenburger, Rho Chi-AFPE First Year Graduate School Scholarship
- Sherket Peterson, NRSA Fellowship (F31) NIH –National Institute of General Medical Sciences
- Tammy Shen, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- Jasmine Alicia Talameh, American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education (AFPE) Predoctoral Fellowship
- Katherine Theken, American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education (AFPE) Predoctoral Fellowship
- Elizabeth Vasievich, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers Association Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship
- Martilias Farrell, NRSA Fellowship (F31) NIH –National Institute of Mental Health
- Ryan Phillips, NRSA Fellowship (F30) NIH –National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
- Sarah Rogan, NRSA Fellowship (F30) NIH –National Institute of Mental Health; Gertrude B. Elion Mentored Medical Student Research Award, Triangle Community Foundation; Bourse Chateaubriand Fellowship
- Christopher Welch, NRSA Fellowship (F30) –For MD/PhD Students –National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
- Michael Bertrand, Lilly Graduate Fellowship
- Adam Cureton, Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship
- Nathaniel Sharadin, Travel Grant; ARCHE, University of St. Andrews, Scotland
Physics and Astronomy
- Matthew Buckner, Department of Energy/NNSA Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship
- Roseanne Cheng, North Carolina Space Grant Graduate Research Fellowship
- Amy Colon, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- Graham Kurt Giovanetti, Department of Energy (DOE) of Science Graduate Fellowship
- Amanda Moffett, NASA –Harriett G. Jenkins Predoctoral Fellowship
- Emily Ann Ray, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- Adam Somers Trotter, North Carolina Space Grant Graduate Research Fellowship
Political Science
- Benjamin Thomas Danforth, American-Scandinavian Foundation Fellowship to Sweden (Thord-Gray Memorial Fund)
- Karina Ito, Rotary World Peace Fellowship
- Allison Vos, Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies Fellowship
- Allison Cameron, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- Courtney Marie Cameron, NRSA Fellowship (F31) NIH –National Institute on Drug Abuse
- Joseph Franklin, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- Megan Freeman, American Psychological Association Dissertation Research Award for Science Directorate
- Nisha Gottfredson, NRSA Fellowship (F31) NIH –National Institute on Drug Abuse
- Steven Holochwost, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- Heather Lasseter, NRSA Fellowship (F31) NIH –National Institute on Drug Abuse
- Emily Lowery, NRSA Fellowship (F31) NIH –National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
- Angela Lyons, NRSA Fellowship (F31) NIH –National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
- Maria Martinez, Research Supplement to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research Program, National Institute of Mental Health
- Matthew Stephen McMurray, NRSA Fellowship (F31) NIH-National Institute on Drug Abuse
- Laurence Miller, NRSA Fellowship (F31) NIH –National Institute on Drug Abuse
- Diana Rancourt, NRSA Fellowship (F31) NIH –National Institute of Mental Health
- Jessica Solis, Research Supplementto Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research Program, National Institute of Mental Health
- Gretchen Marie Sprow, NRSA Fellowship (F31) NIH –National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
- Michael G Wheaton, International Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Foundation (IOCDF) Research Award
Public Policy
- Shana Judge, National Institute of Justice, Solicitation: Research and Evaluation on Human Trafficking
- Kathleen Lawlor, EPA-STAR (Science to Achieve Results) Fellowship
Religious Studies
- Kathleen Foody, American Academy of Religion International Dissertation Research Fellowship
- Ilyse Morgenstein Fuerst, American Academy of Religion International Dissertation Research Fellowship
- Jason Andrew Staples, Jacob K. Javits Fellowship
Romance Languages
- Mercedes Baillageon, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Doctoral Fellowship
- Robert Sapp, The Ministry of International Relations of Québec, The International Association Québec Studies, and the American Council for Québec Studies Research Grant
Russian and East European Studies
- Gozel Arazmedova, Rotary World Peace Fellowship
- Manuela Mot, Rotary World Peace Fellowship
Social Work
- Carmen Crosby, Council on Social Work Education –Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Minority Clinical Training Fellowship
- Carrie Pettus-Davis, Society for Social Work and Research Doctoral Fellows Award
- Tasanee Walsh, Council on Social Work Education NIMH Minority Research Fellowship
- Tiffany Washington, Educational Stipend Summer Training Workshop, Michigan Center for Urban African American Aging Research at the Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan
- Kristina Webber, European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA)/Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA) International Summer School 2011
- Tuneka Tucker, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
Speech and Hearing Sciences
- Angela Bonino, NRSA Fellowship (F31) NIH –National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
Statistics and Operations Research
- Rob Erhardt, Society of Actuaries James C. Hickman Scholarship Michelle Miranda, Capes-Fulbright Program for Non-U.S. Students
- Susan Wei, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- Jenna Currier, Society of Toxicology Graduate Student Travel Award, 2011 Annual Meeting
- Michelle DeSimone, Society of Toxicology Syngenta Fellowship Award in Human Health Applications of New Technologies; 2010 Environmental Mutagenesis Society Travel Award; 2011 International Mammalian Genome Society Travel Scholarship
- Christina Margaret Lamb, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program; Inhalation and Respiratory Specialty Section Mary Amdur Student Award, Society of Toxicology Meeting
- Tracy Marion, Society of Toxicology Graduate Student Travel Award, 2011 Annual Meeting
- Jennifer Nichols, NIH 2011 Fellows Award for Research Excellence (FARE)
- Katie Beth Paul, PhRMA Foundation Predoctoral fellowship; Society of Toxicology Colgate-Palmolive Grant for Student Research Training in Alternative Methods; Travel Award-Gordon Research Conference on Environmental Endocrine Disruption, Diablerets, Switzerland; Travel Award-5th Annual NIH National Graduate Student Research Festival; 1st Place Award – Poster Competition, Spring Meeting of North Carolina Society of Toxicology
- Vicki M. Richardson, Carl Storm Travel Award, Gordon Research Conference
- Jonathan Shannahan, Society of Toxicology Graduate Student Travel Award, 2010 Annual Meeting; 2nd Place Award –Poster Competition, Spring Meeting of North Carolina Society of Toxicology
- Samantha Snow, Society of Toxicology Graduate Student Travel Award, 2011 Annual Meeting