14th Annual Graduate Student Recognition Celebration
The Graduate Student Recognition Celebration, which began in 1999, recognizes students who receive prestigious fellowships and awards. These honorees are providing leadership that is making a significant contribution to the mission of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and to a wide variety of fields of study.
The April celebration was part of Graduate-Professional Student Appreciation Week (April 2-6).
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
3:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.
Alumni Hall in the George Watts Hill Alumni Center

Mehul Patel is a 2012 Impact Award recipient
Research displays began at 3:00 p.m.
Awards ceremony started at 4:00 p.m.
A reception followed
Graduate student recognition includes winners of:
- IMPACT Awards
- Boka W. Hadzija Award for Distinguished Service
- Dean's Award for Significant Contribution to Graduate Education
- Dean's Distinguished Dissertation Award
- Council of Graduate Schools/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award
- University Research Day Awards
- Honor Society Inductions
- External Fellowships and Awards
Congratulations to UNC-Chapel Hill Graduate and Professional Students for Outstanding Achievements in Research, Academics, Community Service and Leadership During the 2011-2012 Academic Year
2012 GEAB Impact Award Winners for Research Benefitting the State of North Carolina
- Peter Balvanz, Health Behavior and Health Education, Effects of Land Loss on African-American Farmers and Their Hope for the Next Generation
- Kevin Bastian, Public Policy, Evaluating Teacher Quality in North Carolina: Lessons Learned for Teacher Selection, Preparation, Support and Distribution
- Aadra Bhatt, Microbiology and Immunology, Targeted Therapy for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
- Sarah Bortvedt, Cell and Molecular Physiology, The Intestinal Insulin Receptor: Overlooked Fat Regulator?
- Patricia Casbas-Hernandez, Pathology, Understanding How Obesity and Breastfeeding Alter Breast Inflammatory Environments
- Jon Edwards, Biochemisty and Biophysics, The Relaxase Enzyme's Role in S. aureus Antibiotic Resistance
- S. Michael Gaddis, Sociology, The Effects of Peer Poverty and ‘No Child Left Behind’ Accountability on Student Achievement
- Nate Geraldi, Marine Sciences, Identifying Best Ways to Maximize Oyster Population Growth
- Brooke Hoots, Epidemiology, Developing Practical Tools to Inform Allocation of North Carolina's Limited HIV Resources
- Margaret McCormick, Cell and Molecular Physiology, Mending a Broken Heart: Investigating Use of a Novel Biologic in Heart Attacks
- Kristin Nellenbach, Speech and Hearing Sciences, Oral Language, Problem Solving and Reading Attitudes in Adolescent Reading Comprehension
- Kyle Palmquist, Ecology, Protecting Plant Biodiversity in the Longleaf Pine Ecosystem
- Mehul Patel, Epidemiology, Prehospital Notification by Emergency Medical Services Is Crucial to Timely Evaluation of Stroke
- Elizabeth Pempe, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Using Structural Motifs to Improve Heparin Clearance
- Tina Prevatte, City and Regional Planning and Business Administration, From Farm to Fork? An Empirical Investigation of Challenges Faced by North Carolina's Small Meatpackers
- Vanesa Ribas, Sociology, On the Line: The Working Lives of Latinos and African Americans in the New South
- Emily Roscoe, Public Administration and Library Science, The Need for a Return to First Principles in Public Records Law
- Ashley Smyth, Marine Sciences, Assessing Water Quality Enhancement Through Oyster Reef Restoration
- Meagan Vaughn, Epidemiology, Preventing Tick Bites Among North Carolina's Outdoor Workers
- Catherine Vladutiu, Epidemiology, Motor Vehicle Crashes and Expectant Moms
- Stephanie Watkins, Epidemiology, Early Breastfeeding Experiences and Postpartum Depression
- Weichen Xu, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Molecular Diagnostics of Prostate Cancer by Kinase Reporters and Capillary Electrophoresis
Boka W. Hadzija Award for Distinguished University Service by a Graduate or Professional Student
- Jasmine Talameh, Pharmaceutical Sciences
Dean's Award for Significant Contributions to Graduate Education
- Erin Schuettpelz, Director of State Relations and Communications, UNC-Chapel Hill
Dean's Distinguished Dissertation Awards
- Emily Baran, History, 2012 Dean's Distinguished Dissertation Award — Humanities and Fine Arts
- Björn Brandenburg, Computer Science, 2012 Dean's Distinguished Dissertation Award — Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Engineering
- Jessica Ellis, Nutrition, 2012 Dean's Distinguished Dissertation Award — Biological and Life Sciences
- Heather Lasseter, Psychology, 2012 Dean's Distinguished Dissertation Award — Social Sciences
Council of Graduate Schools/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award
- Nathaniel Adam Sowa, MD-PHD Program, “Characterization of Ectonucleotidases in Nociceptive Circuits”
2012 University Research Day Honorees
Biological Sciences
- First Place (Tie):
- Kari Debbink, Microbiology and Immunology, and
- Andrei Stefanescu, Biostatistics and Mathematics
- Second Place:
- Kimberley Geissler, Health Policy and Management
- First Place:
- Sarah Taves, Neurobiology
- Second Place:
- Elizabeth Widen, Nutrition
- Third Place:
- Andrea Anton, Ecology
- Honorable Mention:
- Maria Vozzo, Institute of Marine Sciences
Physical Sciences
- First Place:
- Naomi Brownstein, Biostatistics
- Second Place:
- Shengqian Chen, Mathematics
- Third Place:
- Rita Kuwahara, Medicine
- First Place:
- Brandon Young, Chemistry
- Second Place:
- Joe Sokol, Chemistry
- Third Place:
- Rocco Disanto, Applied Science
Poster/Oral Combined:
- First Place:
- David Montgomerie, Communication Studies
- Second Place:
- Ashley Hall, English
- Third Place:
- Rebecca Nesvet, English
Social Sciences
- First Place:
- Candace Killian, Social Work
- Second Place:
- Chenxi Yu, Mathematical Decision Sciences and Economics
- Third Place:
- Maryellen Tinsley, Library Science
- First Place:
- Carmina Valle, Nutrition
- Second Place (Tie):
- Gwen Kash, City and Regional Planning, and
- Jonathan Hale, Pharmacy
- Honorable Mention:
- Imani Johnson, Social Work
- Leah Zullig, Health Policy and Management
- Leanne Kaye, Nutrition
Honorary Society Inductees
Frank Porter Graham Honor Society
- Michael Bertucci, Chemistry
- George Chao, Genetics and Molecular Biology
- Turquoise Griffith, Health Behavior and Health Education
- James Grinias, Chemistry
- Jennifer Job, Education
- Derrick Matthews, Health Behavior and Health Education
- J. Elliott Robinson, Neurobiology
- Lisa De Saxe Zerden (Faculty), Social Work
- Laurie Selz-Campbell (Faculty), Social Work
The Order of the Golden Fleece
- Spencer Robinson, Business Administration
- Tim Stallmann, Geography
The Order of the Grail-Valkyries
- Courtney Lewis, Anthropology
- Tim Stallmann, Geography