Graduate Student Research Travel Exceptions - Student Instructions

Consistent with UNC System guidance, Carolina is prohibiting University-affiliated international travel unless an exception is approved by the traveler’s 1) department chair or director of graduate studies; and 2) appropriate senior administrator (school dean or associate dean). By approving the request, the dean or dean’s designee has determined that the articulated benefits to the University outweigh the risks associated with the travel. The exception must also be acknowledged by the provost.

Requests for exceptions should be submitted via the Rapid Admin Service Request (RASR) system. Applicants should select “The Graduate School” under the Group Selection tab and complete the “Graduate Student Request for Travel Restriction Exception” form.

If you are unable to access the RASR system, please contact Julie Montaigne at

The application form requires the following information:

Applicants can follow the approval progress of their application in the RASR system under “My Forms.”

Submit Research Travel Exception Request »

If you are an approver for this process, please visit Travel Exceptions - Approver Instructions for more information.